Communication and Language Roleplay Listening to others sharing experiences and opinions Listening to stories Using descriptive language to express themselves or tell a story Learning new words to expand their vocabulary
Physical Development Games that involve running, jumping, throwing and catching Using equipment such as climbing frames Older children might also discuss healthy living and how they feel after exercise Drawing, colouring, painting, and crafts Eating independently using cutlery
Personal, social, and emotional development Practicing sharing and taking turns Following instructions and rules and understanding why Exploring their own needs, interests and feelings Learning about and respecting each other’s differences Practicing independence and self-care
Literacy Singing nursery rhymes to explore rhymes and syllables Learning the alphabet and digraph sounds verbally Matching sounds with the letters of the alphabet Writing some letters, their names and other simple words
Mathematics Counting Identifying and drawing shapes Adding, subtracting, multiplying and dividing using objects Learning about weights and measures
Understanding the world Exploring their senses of sight, smell, taste, hearing and touch Learning about nature and seasons, often outdoor learning in a local park or woodland Looking at maps Exploring cultures, religion and cultural and religious festivals Practical experiments with science, such as seeing which objects float in a tub of water Using computers or other technology to begin children’s technical skills
Expressive arts and design Painting, messy painting, drawing, and crafts Making music and singing Dancing, independently and as a group Roleplaying known stories (such as fairy tales) and their own stories