Nursery Timings
We are open from 8:00 am – 6:00 pm on weekdays, Monday – Friday.
Each nursery class operates two part-time sessions (Morning 8:00 AM to 2:00 PM and Afternoon 2:00 PM to 6.00 PM). Parents will be given a copy of the UAE holiday list.
Children should be in their class on time as it is proven that late drop offs can be disruptive to the flow of the classes.
It is well known that very young children gain security by being picked up at the same time every day. Thus, parents are kindly requested to pick up their child promptly at dismissal time.
All children are welcomed personally by their classroom teacher and children are encouraged to walk to their classroom independently.

Original Documents
All parents are asked at the enrolment time to fill in the authorization form and sign it. Children may only leave the nursery at the end of the day with their parent, or authorized persons. Parents/carers must ensure that their children are collected on time at the end of the session. If a parent would like to make an alternative arrangement, this should be communicated with the nursery manager in the morning or preferably a day before via the telephone numbers provided. In the event of a child is not being collected at the end of the session and Staff not being informed, Staff will not take the child home. The nursery manager will contact the parent by telephone to follow up on the situation. If a parent is not contactable, the emergency contact will be informed of the situation. If the child has not been collected after 2 hours of the nursery closing time (6:00 PM) and following several failing attempts to call the parents and contacts on the authorised list, then the Children’s Care organization will be contacted at 800988 or Dubai Police Human Rights Department (0566862121).

Attendance / Absences
Consistent attendance on a regular basis is expected of all children. Knowing that regular attendance is crucial for children’s achievement, lack of attendance may well indicate a need for family support. Little Diamond Nursery has guidelines in place to ensure that the correct support is given in order to encourage good attendance.
If a parent/carerdeclares a child’s absence because of a holiday, the ‘Absence Application’ form should be completed by the parents and signed by the nursery.
When there are persistent concerns about the child’s absence, this will be discussed at planned meetings with the parents/carers.

Settling In Smoothly
Before starting the nursery, initially all babies should visit the nursery to meet their key person. This is a time to share information about the child and the nursery.
For the first few days of the settling in process, it is preferable for the parent/carer to be available on the premise or nearby, giving the child an opportunity to gradually build up to full nursery hours. Having said that, we encourage parents to proceed with the separation process as soon as it is suitable for the child to rely on herself in handling her emotions.
New children should be admitted gradually. The key-person should be there to warmly greet the child (using child’s name) and parents/carers. The key-person should then spend some time supporting the child, reassuring parents/carers and organising the settling-in process. Other staff may be introduced to the child and parents/carers.
We seek to make the whole experience of starting nursery as positive as possible for both the child and the parents. In order to achieve this, the process below forges a guideline only and will be adjusted to suit each child’s individual needs. After all, the best approach for the parent and the child is what they both agree on together with the teacher on a daily basis before they leave the nursery.
First day | We suggest that parent does not leave the child at all on the first day, but rather spend approximately half an hour to an hour with the child playing with them in their new classroom. Help them to familiarize themselves with the bathrooms, their favorite areas and activities as well as get to know their teachers and friends.
Second day | Parent makes time to spend around 20 minutes to half an hour playing with the child in the classroom and attempt to leave the room for the same amount of time. Parentensures to saya quick goodbye and reassure the child that she will be nearby and she will come to pick him up. Leaving an item of the parent’s own belongings with the child can often be a good idea. Parent can stay in reception but ensures to return to the class on time as promised to the child.
Third day | Once again, the parent takes time to stay a while with the child, engaging them in an activity they enjoy. After approximately 10-15 minutes, she says a quick goodbye. The goodbye really has to be quick otherwise the child will extend his distress seeking his parent to stay. On this day, the parents should arrange with the teacher how long the child should be left.
On the following days, the time for the child at the nursery will be building up away from the parent slowly giving him confidence that the parent will for sure return to pick him up. Parents are kindly asked to stay contactable and close to the nursery while their child is left at the nursery during the settling-in period.